Greeting conversation between two friendsทักทายสนทนาระหว่างเพื่อนสองคน

Conversations between two friends English lessonFollow us on Facebook to get all latest lesson and great tips on learning English

Greeting and introductions conversation that are between 2 people

Below is some brief conversations between two people. The conversations are about , 2 friends meeting by chance, 2 people asking what they do for a living and the last one is about 2 friends meeting at the movies.

Click on this link to view over 36 lessons on conversations

If you have a friend or a class friend each take turns with each conversation and swop roles.

Conversation about a brief conversation between 2 old friends meeting by chance at a cafe

Sarah: Hello Jason, how are you, it’s been a long time since we last met?
Jason: Oh, hi Sarah I’m have got a new job now and is going great. How about you?
Sarah: Not too bad.
Jason: How often do you eat at this cafe?
Sarah: This is my first time my friends kept telling me the food was great, so tonight I decided to try it. What have you been up to?
Jason: I have been so busy with my new job that I have not had the time to do much else, but otherwise, me and the family are all fine.
Sarah: Well, I hope you and your family have a lovely meal.
Jason: Yes you too.

Conversation about two people asking each other what they do for a living.

David: Hello, my name is David It’s nice to meet you.
Jenny: Hi, I’m Jenny. It’s my please to meet you.
David: Am sorry. what was your name again?
Jenny: Jenny.
David: So Jenny, What do you do for a living?
Jenny: I work at the local school teaching English. what do you for a living?
David: I’m also an English teacher, but am currently out of work.
Jenny: Sorry to hear that. It has been really nice talking to you.
David: Yes. It was a great pleasure meeting you.

Conversation about two friends meeting by chance at the movies.

Bob: Hi Jason, it’s great to see you again.
Jason: Wow, it’s great seeing you,  How long has it been? It most be more than 6 months. I’m doing good. How about you?
Bob: Not too bad.
Jason: What movie are you and the family going to see?
Bob: I came here to see the Simpsons movie. How about you?
Jason: I’m going to watch Terminator 4.

Business – greeting visitors – offering helpผู้เข้าชมทักทาย – – ธุรกิจการเสนอความช่วยเหลือ

Business – Greeting visitors and offering help English lesson

What will I learn from the lesson business greeting visitors and offering help?

During this lesson you will learn how to greet your visitors that come to your company. How to explain if there is a problem and offering refreshment to visitors when they arrive.

How to greet your visitors:

Good morning / afternoon / good evening. How may we help you ?
Do you have an appointment?
Thanks Mr Jones I’ll let (Mr Bean) know you’re here. please take a seat while you wait?

How to to explain to someone there’s a problem:

I’m afraid (Mr Jones is in a meeting all afternoon can I take a message?
I’m sorry, but he/she’s out of the office at the moment.
Do you want to make an appointment?

Offering help and refreshments:

Please take a seat while you are waiting?
Is there anyway that I can help you?
Would you like a drink of tea or coffee while you are waiting?
Do you take Milk and sugar?
We have some brochures for you to read through about our company while you are waiting?

General conversation that you can have:

How was your journey?
Did you have a good journey?
What was the weather like Manchester I believe it rains a lot?

Greetings basic English lesson ทักทายบทเรียนภาษาอังกฤษขั้นพื้นฐาน

Basic English greetings formal greetings and how to respond

Basic greetings in English

During this lesson you will learn the basics in greeting someone on English. The first part of the lesson explains why you greet someone and the last part is a list of greetings.

Basic Greetings

A list of basic greetings

Hello, David

Hi, DavidGreeting basics English lesson

Good morning

Good afternoon

Good evening.

Good to see you again

Nice to see you again.

I’m glad to see you.

I’m happy to see you.

I’m  pleased to see you.

Greeting someone and answering them back

 Greeting someone  How to answer them 
    How are you?

How have you been?

How are things?

How is your girlfriend?

    Fine, thanks. And you?

Very well. And you?

Not too bad, thanks.

She’s fine.

Formal greetings and responses

Formal greeting basics English lesson

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English introductions and introducing yourself to othersแนะนำภาษาอังกฤษและแนะนำตัวเองกับคนอื่น ๆ

Introductions English basics how to introduce yourself and others

Introductions and introducing yourself to others English lesson

During this lesson you will learn the basics of how to introduce yourself, someone else and making contact with someone in English.

Introductions and introducing yourself

Introductions and Introducing yourself to others

The following examples show how to introduce yourself Introducing yourself, someone else or making contact English lesson

Can I introduce myself? My name’s Sarah.

May I introduce myself?  My name’s Simon.

Let me introduce myself. My name’s Paul

I’d like to introduce myself. I’m David

I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Jason

Introducing someone else

May I introduce myself? I introduce a good friend of mine? This is Simon. Have you met Simon?

Can I introduce myself? I introduce a good friend of mine? This is Rod. Have you met Rod?

I’d like you to meet John.

I want you to meet Ronaldo.

Making contact with someone you don’t know

Excuse me, are you Mrs Smith? (how to answer)  Yes, that’s right.

Hello, you must be Mrs Jones.

You are Mr Bean, aren’t you?

Have we met before?


 How do you do?

Nice to meet you.

Please, call me … .

  How do you do?

Nice to meet you, too.

Then you must call me …

Greeting and introductions, talking with strangersทักทายและการแนะนำการพูดคุยกับคนแปลกหน้า

Greeting and introductions, talking with strangers ทักทายและการแนะนำการพูดคุยกับคนแปลกหน้า

What will I learn from the English lesson greeting and introductions, talking with strangers?

During this English lesson you will learn about questions words and how to use them in a sentence. The last part of the lesson is a brief discussion between Mr Bean and Mrs Smith in a café in Manchester.

Meeting new people

When you meet new people in a new country it can be very difficult and stressful. When you are faced with this kind of situation it is best to use small talk which is informal chat in social situations. Using small talk will help you start a relationship and also find common interests to share with your new found friends or colleagues. When talking to people like they like you to ask questions and show an interest with what’s happening with their lives, family, pets and the weather, remember people in the UK love to talk about the weather.

Chatting with Strangers

You will notice that most question words in English language start with ‘wh’.

The following ‘wh’ words are very useful when you meet new people:







How long

Who’s that standing over there near the door?

What do you do? (Used when asking about someone’s job)

Where do you live?

Do you know when the plane leaves?

Why is the food late arriving?

Can you please tell me how do I can get to Oxford Street? (asking someone for directions)

How long does it take you to get ready in a morning?

Which train do I need to get for going to Manchester?


What is the conversation about?

Mr Bean is waiting at the airport for a plane. He has over forty-five minutes to wait, so he decides to find a café and have a coffee. Inside the cafe it is almost full, so he tries to find a seat and ends up making a new friend with a lady called Mrs Smith.

Mr Bean: – Excuse me, is this seat free?

Mrs Smith: – Yes.

Mr Bean: – Thanks. (Mr Bean sits down.)

Mrs Smith: – My name’s Mrs Smith it is nice to meet you.

Mr Bean: – Hi Mrs Smith mu name is  Mr Bean it’s nice to meet you too.

Mrs Smith: – Where are you from, Mr Bean?  You sound like you not from England.

Mr Bean: – I’m from Thailand. I have been visiting my family in Manchester. How about you?

Mr Smith: – Same as every day at this time on my way to work, as usual!

Mr Bean: – What do you do?

Mrs Smith: – I’m an English teacher my students love learning English. How about you?

Mr Bean: – I’m also an English teacher, but I’m on holiday right now.

How conversations start

A lot of conversations often start like the one above. You ask a person’s name, where they come from and their job. You can use the same methods in many social situations to make small talk on transport, in a café, supermarket and even in the street.

There will be times when sometimes you will not understand everything that you hear. It may not be always necessary to understand every word.

What can I say when I don’t understand what is being said?

  1. Can you speak more slowly, please I don’t understand?
  2. Pardon?
  3. Sorry, what was that you just said?
  4. Am sorry would you mind repeating that, please?
  5. I’m sorry; I don’t fully understand what you have just said, what do you mean.

Greetings and introductions basic English lesson ทักทายและการแนะนำบทเรียนภาษาอังกฤษขั้นพื้นฐาน

Basic greeting and introductions and responses

This English lesson you will learn how to ask someone for there full name and what to ask  them if you don’t understand what they are saying.

Greeting and introducing yourself

Hello, my name is John, what is your name?

Hi John my name is Jane pleased to meet you.Greeting someone and asking them there name

Hello, I’m Peter what is your name?

Hello, my names Sarah nice to meet you.

Can you tell me your name please?

my name is John Smith, pleased to meet you.

What if I don’t understand them?

Teacher:-  Please tell me your name?

Student:-  my name is Boris Jones.

Teacher:- Am sorry I don’t understand, please repeat it slowly for me

Student:-  B – o – r –  i – s     J – o – n – e – s

**Hint if you still don’t understand what they are saying ask them to spell it **

Teacher:- Am sorry I still don’t  understand, please spell it for me

Student:-  B – o – r –  i – s     J – o – n – e – s

Teacher:- Thank you.

Greetings and responses


Learning about basic greetings and introductions English lesson

A conversation between two people 

Can you tell me your full name please?  My full name is John Pilkington

I’m sorry , what was your last name again?  My last name is Pilkington.

 Am sorry I don’t understand. Could you please repeat it more slowly for me?  P – i – l – k – i – n – g – t – o – n.

How do you write that? Could you spell it please?  P – i – l – k – i – n – g – t – o – n.

And could you tell me your first name please?  John

Pardon? John – J-o-h-n.

Can you tell me your telephone number please?   8- 2-2-3-2-7-1-9.

Thank you John for your time. You’re welcome I hope to hear from you soon.

Remember these words

Thank you               Please               excuse me

The words in red are considered to be polite, if these words were not included depending on the tone of your voice you might come across as rude,it is best to be polite at all times.

Greetings and introductions basic English lessonคำทักทายภาษาอังกฤษและการแนะนำเบื้องต้นเกี่ยวกับภาษาอังกฤษ

English greeting and introductions that are used for introducing strangers.

The following is about a conversion where a third person is being introduced to another person.

Mr bean greeting a friend English lessonMr Bean, I don’t think that you have met Mrs Smith.
Mr Bean,I don’t think you know Mrs Smith
Mr Bean, May I introduce you to Mrs Smith
Mrs Smith, do you know Mr Bean?
Mr Bean, I’d like you to meet Mrs Smith

Below is a conversion where a third person is being introduced to the other person. 

***** The name that is in bold writing, “Paul:” is the person that is talking and is introducing Peter to Debbie*****

Paul: Peter, I’d like you to meet Debbie.
Peter: Hello Debbie how are you?   (Peter is now talking and replying to Debbie)
Debbie: I am fine thank you, how are you.      (Debbie  is now replying to Peter)
Paul: Debbie has just started working for us

How to be more polite and  nice when greeting someone?

To be more polite and nice, say “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” or “Pleased to meet you.”.

Paul: John, I’d like you to meet Debbie.
John: It’s a pleasure to meet you.
Debbie: How do you do.
Paul: Debbie has just started working for us

Paul: John, I’d like you to meet Debbie.
John: How do you do ?
Debbie: I am Pleased to meet you john.
Paul: Debbie has just started working for us