Learning English for work, jobs, school or hobby 10+ simple steps

Learning English for work, jobs, school or hobby 10+ simple steps เรียนภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับการทำงาน, งาน, โรงเรียนหรืองานอดิเรก 10+ ขั้นตอนง่ายๆ

What will I learn from the English lesson learning English for work, jobs,school and hobby?

This not so much a of an English lesson, but more of a guide for helping you learn the English language. The guide shows how yo achieve your goal of learning the English language.

Learning English การเรียนรู้ภาษาอังกฤษ

When you are learning the English language it will take a lot of your time, practice and effort. But when you have learnt enough of your new language it will lead to a brighter future. By learning English it will give you many advantages.
More work prospects, your job grade will hopefully go up and you will make new friends. Below are the 10 things you must have to succeed when learning English for business.

You must have desire คุณต้องมีความปรารถนา

You must want to learn the English language. Learning English will require that you study many hours.

Do you know what your motive is? คุณจะรู้ว่าแรงจูงใจของคุณคืออะไร?

Ask yourself this question why do you want to learn English? Do you need help at school, business or something else? When you know your reason try and remember when you are struggling and thinking of quitting.

Set yourself goals ตั้งตัวเองเป้าหมาย

Every week or month set yourself a goal for yourself this could be learning fifteen words a week or trying to talk to someone in English online or your English teacher. Reward yourself when you achieve your goal.

Study everyday การศึกษาทุกวัน

There is no set time limit to studying but Easy Pace Learning recommend between 15–60 minutes a day. Choose a time scale that suits your needs. Every day try and revise what you have learnt so not to forgot its best to keep practicing what you have learnt so far

Make a set study scheduleทำตารางเวลาการศึกษา

Try and use the same time every day for studying. By using a set time you will get in a routine and not skip learning.

Speak out loudพูดออกมาดัง ๆ

Say out words loud to yourself as you study. This will help you remember words more.

Try different learning methodsลองใช้วิธีการเรียนรู้ที่แตกต่างกัน

You can learn English by speaking, reading and writing. Another way that a lot of people learn is linking pictures with words. Try every find a method or methods that work for you.

Speak to other English speakers พูดคุยกับพูดภาษาอังกฤษอื่น ๆ

It is best to practice what you have learned by talking in English to a native English speaker. Listen to how they pronounce certain words.

Do not be afraid of mistakesอย่ากลัวความผิด

This quite important some people are afraid to practice as they think others laugh at them or you are shy. REMEMBER most people will be glad to help you.

Submerge yourself with Englishจมลงใต้น้ำตัวเองด้วยภาษาอังกฤษ

Surround yourself with English. Read English books, English website’s, listen to it BBC online, watch it and try to speak English with others.


Try and talk like a native English does or closely as you can. When you sound like a native speaker, you’ll have a better chance of being understood.

Resources for learning English ทรัพยากรสำหรับการเรียนรู้ภาษาอังกฤษ

Use our website easypacelearning.com, our dictionaries, exercises with lessons.

Use what you know ใช้สิ่งที่คุณรู้

Even though you know might know very little English, you can use what you already know. You are able to have a brief conversation using just a few words.

Don’t get stuck ไม่ได้รับการติด

If you don’t know a certain word, use the Easy Pace Learning Dictionary to help you. If you are still unsure try using different words to explain what you mean. Of you are unsure of anything use the Easy Pace Learning forum to ask a question.

Most important have fun! สิ่งที่สำคัญที่สุดสนุก!

Learning the English language should be and can fun. When you start having conversations with people in English you will have an incredible sense of satisfaction.

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