Greetings and introductions basic English lessonคำทักทายภาษาอังกฤษและการแนะนำเบื้องต้นเกี่ยวกับภาษาอังกฤษ

English greeting and introductions that are used for introducing strangers.

The following is about a conversion where a third person is being introduced to another person.

Mr bean greeting a friend English lessonMr Bean, I don’t think that you have met Mrs Smith.
Mr Bean,I don’t think you know Mrs Smith
Mr Bean, May I introduce you to Mrs Smith
Mrs Smith, do you know Mr Bean?
Mr Bean, I’d like you to meet Mrs Smith

Below is a conversion where a third person is being introduced to the other person. 

***** The name that is in bold writing, “Paul:” is the person that is talking and is introducing Peter to Debbie*****

Paul: Peter, I’d like you to meet Debbie.
Peter: Hello Debbie how are you?   (Peter is now talking and replying to Debbie)
Debbie: I am fine thank you, how are you.      (Debbie  is now replying to Peter)
Paul: Debbie has just started working for us

How to be more polite and  nice when greeting someone?

To be more polite and nice, say “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” or “Pleased to meet you.”.

Paul: John, I’d like you to meet Debbie.
John: It’s a pleasure to meet you.
Debbie: How do you do.
Paul: Debbie has just started working for us

Paul: John, I’d like you to meet Debbie.
John: How do you do ?
Debbie: I am Pleased to meet you john.
Paul: Debbie has just started working for us


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